Subnet Expert

Visual Subnet Calculator

Plan, visualize, and manage IP subnets with an interactive tool for network engineers and IT professionals.


Select a network type to customize IP address calculations for specific cloud providers.

Understanding IP Subnets

What is Subnetting?

Subnetting is the process of dividing a single network into smaller network segments. It helps optimize network performance, improve security, and manage IP address allocation.

CIDR Notation

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation uses a suffix like /24 to indicate the number of bits in the network portion of an IP address.

For example, indicates that the first 24 bits (three octets) define the network, leaving 8 bits for host addresses.

Reserved IPs by Cloud Providers


AWS reserves the first 4 IP addresses and the last IP address in each subnet:

  • The first address is the network address
  • The second address (.1) is used for the VPC router
  • The third address (.2) is for AWS DNS
  • The fourth address (.3) is reserved for future use
  • The last address is the broadcast address

For example, in a /24 subnet with 256 total addresses, AWS provides 251 usable IP addresses for resources.


Azure reserves the first 5 IP addresses and the last IP address in each subnet:

  • The first address is the network address
  • The second address (.1) is reserved for the default gateway
  • The third and fourth addresses (.2, .3) are reserved for Azure DNS
  • The fifth address (.4) is reserved for future use
  • The last address is the broadcast address

For example, in a /24 subnet with 256 total addresses, Azure provides 250 usable IP addresses for resources.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform reserves 4 IP addresses in each subnet:

  • The first address is the network address
  • The second address (.1) is reserved as the default gateway
  • The second-to-last address is for future use
  • The last address is the broadcast address

For example, in a /29 subnet with 8 total addresses, GCP provides 4 usable IP addresses for resources.

Complete Subnet Mask Reference

Reference table for all CIDR notations and their corresponding values

View detailed CIDR reference →
CIDR (View Details)Subnet MaskUsable HostsAWS IPsAzure IPsGCP IPs
/31255.255.255.2540 (point-to-point)000
/32255.255.255.2551 (single host)000